Globalnutri has been, since 2006, supplying custom formulations of feed, protein, vitamin and mineral blends to dairy cows in the Northern and Central region of Portugal.
Our team is made up of experienced qualified professionals working in partnership with the most renowned specialists, worldwide, in nutrition for dairy cows.
Leveraging on our knowledge of formulation and of factory operations in animal feeds and premixes, we bring together the power of all our customers to negotiate the best conditions in manufacturing and in transportation.
As technical consultants and as an independent supplier, we optimize the nutritional program in order to get the best result at the lowest cost. We examine potential improvements in your farm in order to maximize efficiency and reduce costs. Our technicians are prepared to help producers in various key aspects of their exploitation: nutrition, process management, economic management, reproductive management, forages and field. Working together we foster healthier animals, more and better milk, while incurring less expenses.
Producing more liters of milk is not all. We develop nutritional programs so that animals convert more efficiently the feed they eat, hence achieving better health.
With GlobalNutri, our producers gain the confidence to work with us as partners who really care about the economic viability of their business.
For over a decade, Globalnutri’s success is due to the trust our clients place in each person, a team, who forms our company. We continue to work earning that trust day after day.

Av. S. Gonçalo, 1181 2º Dtº
4810-525 Guimarães
+351 965 074 095*
+351 966 226 240*
+351 916 781 565*
* Call to Portuguese mobile network